Dear Jon Hamm -

You are amazing as Don Draper on Mad Men. It's my favorite show on television, and it couldn't exist without you. Well. That's not quite true. I can think of one other actor capable of playing Don Draper. Michael Fassbender. In fact, I'm convinced that most of his recent film roles (Shame, Jane Eyre, Haywire, etc.) are actually covert audition tapes for the role.

Let's put this another way: if some Hollywood wise guy decided, "Oh, I've had enough of Don Draper's career in advertising in the 1960s, let's do Don Draper's career as an actor in the oughts instead," they'd commission a pilot and get a biopic about Fassbender in return.

I think it's time to settle this once and for all. That's why I'm asking you to drag Fassy onto SNL, where the two of you must compete to see who's really the best Don Draper.


A fan.


I'm Comic Sans, Asshole

Anyone who hasn't read I'm Comic Sans, Asshole by Mike Lacher really must.  Unless you're offended by swearing, in which case, please refrain.


Everybody knows this game, right?  You choose (or are given) a group of three people and have to pick one to marry, one for a one night stand, and one to kill. The one I hear the most often is: Batman, Spiderman, Superman.  I think this one is really easy:

  • Marry: Spiderman, because he's got a sense of humor and I think those webs would keep the nightlife hot.
  • Screw: Batman, because the dude's kinky and very sexy but I think he might be a bit dour to live with.
  • Kill: Superman.  Yawn.

So.  Next one.  My three favorite fictional heros of all time: Lord Peter Wimsey (Dorothy Sayers' fine creation), Jericho Barrons (From Karen Marie Moning's Fever series), and Eric (from Charlaine Harris' Southern Vampire Mysteries).

  • Marry: Peter Wimsey.  That's right, the one I'd cozy up to for life is actually a sleuth from a mystery series.  He's elegant, deceptively clever, an odd mix of lighthearted and serious, and for all his stiff upper lip he goes after Harriet Vane with such confidence and sweetness.
  • Screw: Jericho Barrons.  Anyone who's read the Fever series knows this answer needs no explanation.  And if you haven't read the Fever series, you should.
  • Kill: Eric.  I love the guy, I really do, I just don't love him quite so much as Wimsey or Barrons.

To be honest, it was hard to pick three without cheating and picking one I'd want dead.  I started off with Eugenides from Megan Whelan Turner's Queen's Thief series in the third spot, but I couldn't kill him off even in my imagination and I couldn't move him up, either.  Then I thought about Curran from Ilona Andrews' Kate Daniels series and Peeta from the Hunger Games.  I love them all, but Wimsey and Barrons are my top picks.

Anyone else want to give it a try with their three favorites?