sunny days are here again

Oh look I’m back again. Having a draft done has been such a tremendous weight off my shoulders. I knew I’d taken too long to finish this book a while ago and from then on the guilt of being slow has been weighing heavier and heavier. The upside is that I’m committed to making sure the final product was worth the wait—polished and satisfying in every way I can make it.

What you’ll get in Book of Love is basically an opposites attract romance. Cordelia, the heroine, played an important role in the first book. She was Bonny’s best friend, always pushing her to make hard choices, but she was also fiercely loyal and had Bonny’s back during her darkest moments. The fallout, though, was pretty harsh—Cordelia ended up leaving home and striking out on her own in London. Now she’s building her own small business, struggling to make ends meet and yet still always looking for an opportunity to change the world for the better.

Alistair is a duke. He’s never worked a day in his life. He’s been told all his life that he’s not very smart and he figures that, if everyone is in agreement on the subject, it must be true. He’s given up on being taken seriously and dedicated himself wholly to pulling pranks. Sometimes very simple pranks, sometimes very elaborate.

They meet on the sidewalk one day. Cordelia is there for work; he’s pulling a prank. Sparks fly—though not the romantic sort. Not at first.

And that’s a little intro to the protagonists and how it starts. One of my beta readers has gotten back to my and it’s been so fun to dig into some deep edits. I’m in contact with a sensitivity reader, to make sure that Tess shines the way that she deserves to. She has a pretty big role to play in this book, as does Olympia. (Bonny is mostly off-page, since this book is largely set in London, though she does make an appearance.)

And in the meanwhile it’s mid-July. Quarantine has really set back my exercise schedule and I’m trying to jump back on the yoga bandwagon but I absolutely hate practicing alone with a video. I’d been about halfway through one of the most amazing books I’ve ever read, The Power Broker, when I dove headfirst into the writing cave. I’ve picked it back up again so I can work my way through to the end. I’m stuck in California for the moment—at first the pandemic made travel risky, now all the places that sound safe won’t admit Americans—so I have to dream about where I’ll go next, instead.

More soon!